Wednesday, December 31, 2014 in

People Vs Technology

This is my end of year's reflection. We shall welcome 2015 in less than 12 hours here.

Well, we all know that technology evolution is maybe faster than light nowadays, it's not exaggerating though. New technologies are perfected every day, we even lost count of it, I'm sure. But, are those technologies are really capable of replacing people?

Decades ago, we could find more people who can overcome a PC's calculation time in complex math equations, but nowadays, the computer would finish the calculation before you are able to think of it. You could also ask for anything on the internet and "the internet" will be giving you lots of answers.

So, how this could happen? How could a creation surpass the creator? Is it just me, or nobody really thinks about it and just accept reality?

In my opinion, the only reason technology begins to replace humans is because human tends to upgrade the technology more than they upgrade themselves. Technology means to HELP people, not REPLACE people. I know we are more intelligent than our predecessors, I mean, Hey! I even know things that my parents don't know of their age?

The reality is UPGRADING is not the same as UPDATING. Update means to add the information, just to refurbish, renovate, refresh or whatever it is. The upgrade means to promote, increase, elevate, move up, taking us up to the higher level. You could update your Windows XP to the latest update, but you won't overcome the Windows 8, do you know what I mean?

The fact is, more people upgrading their smartphone than upgrading themselves, and sadly sometimes here I am, doing the same things as people do. We keep promoting the technology level, without really promoting our level, and by the time the world realizes that maybe it's too late. We upgrade the artificial intelligence so much that maybe at one time later we already been depending on the AI to make our DECISIONS. It's funny that we hate other people dictating our lives but we often leave those things to make a decision for us.

I don't say that we should leave all the technologies we made and go back to the old days, the evolution of science & technologies are always a good thing I told you, but the idea of depending on the technology to live is just a bit "funny" though for me. For me, it is HARD TO DO a calculation without at least a calculator or maybe an excel sheet in front of me, but it doesn't mean that I CAN'T DO the calculation myself without them. It's a big difference.

I understand that sometimes we are afraid to make mistakes and push all the things to the machine that hardly makes any mistake. But don't forget that making mistakes is the quality that makes a human become human. Well, Adam was made a mistake, so here we are.

Well, this is my and my reflection, it doesn't mean to judge anybody including you. Simple question for us: Shall we keep updating? Or shall we start upgrading? Goodbye 2014, I'm not gonna miss you though, welcome bright 2015, God Bless. (CBA)

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